PHYSICS 161 BlACK HOLES AND THE GALAXY WINTER 2013 Instructor: Kim Griest Time: TuTh 2-3:20pm Place: Mayer Hall Annex 2623 Homework Discussion: Monday 1pm-2pm, HSS 2150 Griest Office: 337 SERF, 534-8914 Griest Office Hours: Monday: 2:00pm-3:00pm, or drop by anytime, or make an appointment Text: Gravity: an Introduction to Einsteins' General Relativity, by James Hartle, but much material will be only given in class. THUS YOU NEED TO ATTEND CLASS to do well in this course. TA: Amol Patwardhan email: Office hours: 1pm Friday, room 403, 4th floor SERF bldg Final: Thursday March 21, 3-6pm [NOTE: YOU MUST ATTEND THE FINAL; CHECK YOUR SCHEDULE NOW!] Web page: SYLLABUS ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. General relativity and curved spacetime 2. metrics and curved spacetime 3. Special Relativity and causality 4. Schwarzchild metric and black holes 5. gravitational redshift, time dilation in gravitational field 6. Euler-Langrange, calculus of varation, geodesics, and eq. of motions 7. geodesics in Schwarzchild metric, effective potential and orbits near BH 8. The trapped surface, Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates, wormholes 9. Rotating black holes and the Kerr metric 10. Planck constant and breakdown of General Relativity, Hawking radiation 11. Gravitational Lensing 12. Gravity Waves 13. Observations and physical evidence for black holes 14. Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way